Well, it’s been an interesting few months. And though we’re glad to be doing what we love best – dishing up some creativity via curbside or delivery – it isn’t quite the same without seeing all of you in action creating something that is uniquely you! Opening up is a big deal and we all have to do our part to continue to flatten the curve. And in that spirit and in the anticipation of the opening, we wanted to share with you our Reopening Plan. We have given a lot of thought on how we can open while providing safety measures for our customers to feel comfortable to come back and paint.
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Our Reopening Plan goals, in a nutshell, are to minimize in-store browsing, product handling, in-store point of sale transactions, and to keep it clean to stop the spread, and of course - maximize social distancing. Here’s what’s new:
Though walk-ins will always be welcome, we recommend reserving your table before coming – our easy online system allows you to do this 5 minutes before you arrive, provided there is a table available. In keeping with social distancing and occupancy limitations, we are limiting the number of tables available.
We also recommend you purchase online, this will allow us to bring your pieces to your table. Of course, you may purchase items you see in the store – either on your phone or at the cash register.
We will also now have a Paint Bar – but we won’t pour, we’ll give you the bottle! Everything you touch will be disinfected and thoroughly cleaned – we are dedicating an entire staff meeting and training to this. We will also be handing out paintbrushes (of your choosing) and paint palettes to limit the handling of these items.
We have also detailed for you our Employee Expectations here. We are all adjusting to this new way of being, so if you see anything that requires our attention, we ask that you tell us. We all can help each other out to ensure we’re stopping the spread because we’re all in it together.
And good news on the Summer Camp front – we have secured a dedicated temporary space to hold our Summer Art Camp Program. The temporary space is over 3500 square feet allowing ample room for social distancing. Our Summer Camp Safety Plan is posted and it details how we’re keeping campers safe while we still have fun. The main gist:
Space will be a dedicated space for our Summer Art Camp program. This means there will be no customers in the space, only campers.
Each table will have a maximum of 2 campers with a sneeze guard in between campers as a safety barrier (but campers will be seated 6’ apart at the same table). In addition, all camp tables will be 6’ feet apart. For a visual guide, see our camp layout on our Summer Camp page.
Each camper will have their personal supplies and assigned seatings for the week.
With this new dedicated space, we will now be able to offer Regular Parties, in addition to our Virtual Party, Your Way! Our new temporary space of over 3500 square feet complies with County and State Phased Guidelines. See our visual guide to the party layout here (no more than 2 per table with a sneeze guard in between as barrier, and ample social distancing, yet festive)! If you’re missing friends and tired of connecting over video conferencing, check out our Party. There will be no general customer at this space, just your party.
Pottery-To-Go will also stay available for the long haul, perhaps permanently. Who knows? But we’re here to serve you however you need. So if milling about in public is not quite in your comfort zone yet, give pottery-to-go a try, if you haven’t already. And if you have, then you already know how easy our online ordering system is.
We will continue to offer curbside drop off or pick up of pottery-to-go items for the duration. If you want to drop off items ready for glazing and firing, you may drop it off at the table outside (we will check it often) or come-in to the store. If you want to pick up your pottery-to-go or finished items, you can do it curbside or come-in to the store. We expect inside retail to start on June 1st. If you decide to pick up via curbside, please give us a call at 425-861-8388, and we’ll be right out.
So! I think that’s everything we wanted you to know for now. We encourage you to read our Reopening Plan so you know what to expect when you come in.
We are excited to open our doors and see you all again.
Love, Peace, and Paint Away!
Hazel Roos